Mit einer Draisine durch die Wiesen und Wälder von Skåne zu fahren, ist ein spannendes Abenteuer für die ganze Familie – und eine großartige Gelegenheit, einige der schönsten Ecken der Region zu entdecken. In der Vergangenheit wurden Draisinen als Bahndienstfahrzeuge genutzt, heute werden die alten Strecken von Touristen genutzt.  

Ausgerüstet mit einem Picknickkorb kann man mit einer gemieteten Draisine tolle Tagesausflüge machen – und beim Treten kommt jeder mal dran. Die meisten Touren dauern 3-4 Stunden. Hier folgt eine Liste mit Strecken und Verleihstationen.

Broby – Glimminge: 12km roundtrip

Woman trolley cycling togheter with a young girl between Broby and Glimminge

Broby – Glimminge: 12km roundtrip

This route takes about 2.5 hours and brings you straight into forest, rivers, fences and fields. Once in Glimminge you can enjoy a picnic on the beautiful stone bridge. There are picnic tables, a toilet and a kiosk selling ice cream, cake and beverages at the station and by the river.

Read more on Broby-Glimminge's website Mehr erfahren

Tomelilla – Fyledalen: 18km roundtrip

People enjoying a day Trolley Cycling in the summertime

Tomelilla – Fyledalen: 18km roundtrip

This track takes you on a scenic route that once used to cross Skåne, from Simrishamn in the east to Malmö in the west. Cycle from Tomelilla to Fyledalen, one of Skåne’s most beautiful nature reserves. Discover the fantastic wildlife on route, and don't forget to take a picnic. Once there, turn around and cycle the same way back.

Read more on Tomelilla - Fyledalen's website Mehr erfahren

Romeleåsens Dressincykling: 6km one way

A family trolley cycle through a forest at Romeleåsen

Romeleåsens Dressincykling: 6km one way

Trolley cycle along the Romeleåsen ridge between the villages of Björnstorp and Veberöd. This environmentally friendly adventure takes in the beautiful, natural surroundings on Romeleåsen, and is one of Skåne's most important heritages. This trail is about 2 hours long and takes you through lush forests and open meadows and is a great way to enjoy nature without harming it. Look out for fallow deer. Pre-order food or bring your own.

Read more on Romeleåsens Dressincykling's website Mehr erfahren

Sankt Olof - Gyllebosjön - 14km roundtrip

A father and daughter trolley cycle surrounded by nature in the summertime

Sankt Olof - Gyllebosjön - 14km roundtrip

This route goes through settings that have stayed the same since the 1940s and 1950s. Pass small farms, beautiful pastures framed by stone fences and see highland cattle, horses and deer. This route takes about 2 hours. Combine the trolley trip with a swim in lake Gyllebosjön.

Read more on Sankt Olof - Gyllebosjön's website Mehr erfahren

Klippan – Ljungbyhed - 13km

A family trolley cycle through a green and dense forest

Klippan – Ljungbyhed - 13km

Trolley cycling between Klippan and Ljungbyhed takes about 1.5 hours and passes through scenic oak and beech forests. Along the track there are plenty of beautiful spots to stop for coffee. The surroundings are historic grounds where pro-Danish guerilla forces (Snapphanarna) once used to hide in the woods.

Read more on Klippan – Ljungbyhed's website Mehr erfahren

Broby – Glimminge: 12 km Rundtour

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Romeleåsens Dressincykling: 6 km

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Sankt Olof – Gyllebosjön: 14 km Rundtour

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Tomelilla – Fyledalen: 18 km Rundtour

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Klippan – Ljungbyhed – 13 km

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